المحفوظات اليومية:

April, 2022

  • 28 April

    Al-Shuaibi discusses with German foreign ministry latest developments in Yemen

    BERLIN-SABA Ambassador of Yemen to Germany Yahya al-Shuabibi discussed Thursday with Director of Middle East and North Africa Department at German foreign ministry Gregory Baldgian latest developments in Yemen and formation of the Presidential Leadership Council which represent different components in Yemen and aims at reaching peace in the country. …

  • 28 April

    Amb. Mujalli explores Poland’s support for Yemen

    WARSAW-SABA Ambassador of Republic of Yemen to Warsaw, Poland, Dr. Merfat Mujalli spoke today on phone with the Head of Middle East Department in the Polish Foreign Ministry Patricia Ozgan over bilateral relations between the two countries. The telephone conversations covered the latest developments in Yemen. Mujalli informed Patricia about …