المحفوظات اليومية:

March, 2022

  • 12 March

    Arab League lists Houthis a terrorist group

    TUNISIA – SABA The Arab League has put Yemen’s Houthis on its list of terrorist groups and black list of organizations implementing, masterminding and financing terror attacks. In a statement, the secretariat general of the league’s Arab Interior Ministers Council said the designation comes in response to the Houthi militia’s …

  • 12 March

    Yemeni-Kazakhstani cooperation in education discussed

    ISLAMABAD – SABA Non-Resident Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Pakistan—non –resident to Kazakhstan Mohammed al-Ashabi met today with Deputy Rector of al-Farabi University and a number of colleges’ Deans. Aspects bilateral cooperation in the academic and educational domains were discussed. Al-Ashabi sought for more scholarships for the Yemeni …