المحفوظات اليومية:

February, 2022

  • 3 February

    Yemeni-Russian relations discussed

    MOSCOW-SABA Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen Ahmed al-Wuhayshi held talks today with the special envoy of the Russian President to the Middle East Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. Yemeni-Russian bilateral relations and latest developments in Yemen was key point of the conversations. Al-Wuhayshi briefed Bogdanov on Houthi militia’s recent …

  • 3 February

    Foreign Ministry condemns Houthis’ laden-explosives drones attacks on the UAE

    ADEN-SABA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has condemned Houthi militias’ laden-explosives drones attempted attacks against the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and praised the sufficient and effective Emirati air forces defenses that managed to intercept and destroy the drones. Ministry renewed the Republic of Yemen’s principled stance in support of …

  • 3 February

    Yemen, Luxemburg discuss latest developments

    Yemen’s Ambassador to Luxemburg Mohammed Taha Mustafa discussed Thursday with General Director of Political Affairs at Foreign Ministry of Luxemburg latest developments in Yemen and Houthi militia’s continuous war against Yemeni people in a number of provinces, killing and injuring many citizens. Mustafa confirmed government’s active dealing with all peace …

  • 3 February

    ‘NCIAVHR’ reports about 204 violations in January 2022

    ADEN-SABA National Committee for Investigation into Alleged Violation of Human Rights (NCIAVHR) reported that it documented 204 incidents of violations last January included 62 killings and injuries among them 11 children and six women. There were 23 victims of landmines and explosive devices among them 7 children in the governorates …