المحفوظات اليومية:

October, 2021

  • 22 October

    Ambassador al-Eradah informs Mauritanian FM on Houthi militia’s violations

    NOUAKCHOTT-SABA Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Nouakchott, Mauritania, Dr. Salim al-Eradah met today with the Mauritanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ismail Weld Sheikh Ahmed. The session aimed to discuss Yemeni-Mauritanian bilateral ties and cooperation. Al-Eradah updated Weld Sheikh on the latest developments in Yemen including Houthi militia’s ongoing …

  • 22 October

    Lebanese PM receives Yemen’s Ambassador to Beirut

    BEIRUT-SABA Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Meqati received today Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Beirut Abdullah Addoais. Aspects of bilateral relations was key focus of the conversations which also covered the latest developments in the Yemeni national arena. Addoais pointed out to Houthi militia’s military operations on Marib mainly …