المحفوظات اليومية:

October, 2021

  • 21 October

    Shamar explores collaboration with BTA

    SOFIA-SABA Charged’ affairs of the Republic of Yemen embassy, in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ahmed Shamar met today with the Director General of the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) Kiril Valchev. Shamer explored bilateral cooperation between the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) and BTA. He stated that it will be useful to establish cooperation …

  • 21 October

    Yemen welcomes UNSC’s statement, reiterates its stance in support of peace

    flag of Yemen

    ADEN-SABA Yemeni Government has welcomed the statement of the UN International Security Council (UNSC) issued yesterday, Wednesday, in which it has demanded an immediate cease-fire at national level including halting Houthi military escalation on Marib soon, and all parties must be committed to reach a political solution guided by the …

  • 21 October

    Al-Ashabi discusses with Pakistani official parliamentarian relations

    ISLAM ABAD – SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Pakistan Mohammad al-Ashabi discussed Thursday with the Head of Relations Committee in Pakistani National Assembly Malik Ihsan Allah Tiwana Parliamentarian mutual relations between the two countries. Al-Ashabi reviewed latest developments in Yemen and Houthi militia’s continuous crimes against Yemeni people and its defiance …