المحفوظات اليومية:

September, 2021

  • 28 September

    Yemen, Poland discuss latest developments

    WARSAW- SABA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs Mansour Bajjash discussed Tuesday with Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Pawel Jabloneski political, military and security situation in Yemen and means of reaching a settlement to end the war. The two deputy foreign ministers discussed also the deteriorated humanitarian situation …

  • 28 September

    Al-Asbahi discusses with Moroccan diplomat latest developments in Yemen

    RABAT-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Morocco Ezuddin al-Asbahi discussed Tuesday with Director of Arab Management at Moroccan Foreign Ministry Fuad Akhreif latest developments in Yemen under Houthi militia’s stubbornness, rejection to peace initiatives, systematic tearing up of Yemen and attacking civilians in Marib and other provinces. The two parties discussed improving …

  • 28 September

    Bajjash discusses with Polish Vice Parliament Speaker latest in Yemen

    WARSAW – SABA Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Mansour Bajjash discussed Tuesday with Vice Parliament Speaker of Poland Richard Czarnecki latest developments in Yemen. Bajjash confirmed that the government will continue to its efforts for peace and has made many concessions in past talks for the sake of peace …