المحفوظات اليومية:

April, 2021

  • 12 April

    Ambassador Marmash discusses with Iraqi official relations

    BAGHDAD-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Baghdad al-Khadher Marmash discussed Monday with the Head of Arab Department at Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs Usama Mahdi means of boosting and improving relations between the two countries. Marmash talked about Houthi militia’s rejection to Arab and International initiatives for stopping the war and returning …

  • 12 April

    President Hadi congratulates Ismail Guelleh of Djibouti as president

    ADEN-SABA President of the Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi sent Monday a congratulation cable to his counterpart Ismai Guelleh on re-electing him a president to Djibouti. President praised brotherly and historical relations between the two peoples, confirming gratitude of Yemeni people for great Djiboutian support to the legitimacy. He hoped more …