المحفوظات الشهرية:

December, 2020

  • 9 December

    President Hadi receives phone calls from British Foreign Minister

    RIYADH-SABA President of the Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received on Wednsday a telephone call from the British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab. The telephone conversation dealt with the Yemeni-British bilateral relations and touched upon the latest developments in the national and regional arenas. President Hadi stated that Yemeni-British relationships are deeply …

  • 8 December

    PM meets British Special Envoy for Famine Prevention

    RIYADH – SABA Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdulmalek received the UK’s first Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs, Nick Dyer, and with him, the head of the Yemen team at the British Department for International Development, Chris Bold. During the meeting, the tasks of the Special Envoy for …

  • 8 December

    Regional Representative of the UNPF presents his credential papers in Aden

    ADEN-SABA Advisor of Foreign Minister Ambassador Jamal Awadh received Tuesday here in the temporary capital Aden the crediting documents of the Regional Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) in our country Nestor Pejomear Umhangi. Awadh welcomed the UNPF’s newly appointed official, wishing him all the best in his …

  • 8 December

    Japan announces new donation to Yemen worth USD 3.5 million

    ADEN – SABA The Government of Japan announced Tuesday providing Yemen with USD 3.5 million as new donation allocated to fishing sector in Aden and Hadhramout. The donation will be provided through UNDP. The Project aims at re-building livelihoods and capacity building of fishing families affected by conflicts via providing …

  • 7 December

    FM discusses with European officials humanitarian situation

    RIYADH-SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad al-Hadhrami discussed Monday with Deputy Director of European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office Michael Koehler, Head of Disputes and Humanitarian Affairs Department at Sweden Foreign Affairs Ministry Carl Skau and Ambassador of the European Union to Yemen Hans Grundberg humanitarian situation in Yemen. In the …

  • 7 December

    FM says Houthi invented fuel crisis to finance war

    RIYADH – SABA Yemen’s Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami said the Houthi militants have invented a fuel crisis in their regions of control to raise funds and “finance the war” they have been waging for six years. In a meeting with the UN peace mediator’s deputy Izzi Shreim, al-Hadhrami said that …

  • 7 December

    Yemeni-Pakistani cooperation in health explored

    ISLAMABAD-SABA Ambassador of Republic of Yemen to the Islamic Republic of Pakistani Mohammed al-Ashbi met here on Monday with the Pakistani Minister of Health Dr. Faisal Sultan. Aspects of cooperation between the two countries in health sector was key point of the conversations. Al-Ashabi explored further Pakistani cooperation in medical …

  • 6 December

    VP discusses with US undersecretary of state peace efforts in Yemen

    RIYADH – SABA Vice President Ali Mohsen discussed Sunday with US Undersecretary of State for the Middle East Affairs David Schenker and US Ambassador to Yemen Christopher Hensel a number of issues and topics led by available peace horizons and efforts exerted in this field. The two parties also discussed …

  • 5 December

    Yemen gov’t welcomes Kuwait’s Gulf reconciliation efforts

    flag of Yemen

    ADEN – SABA The Yemeni government has welcomed the Kuwaiti efforts to patch up the differences and narrow the positions of the Gulf states towards a final agreement that achieves stability in the Gulf and the Arab region. In a statement , the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “We …

  • 4 December

    Al-Asbahi, Bui’da discuss Morocco’s decentralization experience

    RABAT-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Morocco Ezuddin al-Asbahi discussed Friday with the Mayor of Guelmim-Oud Noun area Mubarakah Bui’da Morocco’s experience in field of decentralization and boosting local governance. The Moroccan official reviewed process of improving democracy in the country and giving decentralization special care and this reflected positively on development …