المحفوظات اليومية:

December, 2020

  • 15 December

    Yemen welcomes US removal of Sudan from list of terror sponsors

    flag of Yemen

    ADEN-SABA The Republic of Yemen has welcomed the US removal of Sudan from the US list of terror sponsoring countries. In a new statement, the Yemeni foreign ministry has called it “a significant step towards the return of Sudan to its normal status in the international community.” The ministry called …

  • 15 December

    VP meets with French Ambassador to Yemen

    RIYADH – SABA Vice President of the Republic (Lt Gen) Ali Mohsen Saleh met here tuseday with Ambassador of the Republic of France Jean-Marie SAFA. Yemeni-French bilateral relations and the latest developments in Yemen were key focus of the discussions. The Vice President welcomed the newly appointed Ambassador, wishing him …

  • 15 December

    SP, French ambassador discuss Yemen developments

    RIAYDH-SABA The Speaker of the Yemeni parliament Sultan al-Barakani has met the new French ambassador to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa welcoming him and discussing with him the political and economic relations between Yemen and France. Talks focused on the chain of events in Yemen since the Houthi coup of September 2014 …

  • 15 December

    Yemen says it lost USD 90 billion over Houthi militia’s coup

    NEW YORK – SABA The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations Abdullah al-Sa’di has said Yemen’s losses in the period between 2014-2020 have passed USD 90 billion. In Yemen’s speech he delivered in the 31st Round of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday evening, …