المحفوظات اليومية:

October, 2020

  • 8 October

    Yemen welcomes UN envoy’s call to honors Stockholm Agreement

    RIYADH-SABA Foreign Ministry has welcomed the statement of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the UN which he called for respecting and honoring Stockholm Agreement. In a statement learned by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) the Foreign Ministry stated that the Yemeni Government has always been very keen …

  • 8 October

    Yemen asks Pakistan cooperation about visa

    ISLAMABAD – SABA Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Islamabad, Pakistan, Dr. Mohammed al-Ashbi met Thursday with the Federal Secretary of the Pakistani Interior Ministry Yousef Nasim Koker. The session aimed to discuss visa and renewing residence permission for the Yemeni students in Pakistan. Al-Ashbi asked for more cooperation …