المحفوظات الشهرية:

April, 2020

  • 30 April

    Security Council affirms its strong commitment to the unity and, territorial integrity of Yemen

    NEW YORK-SABA The Members of the Security Council expressed their strong concern at the 25 April declaration of the Southern Transitional Council (STC). In a press statement issued today, Wednesday, they reaffirmed their strong commitment to Yemen’s unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and called for expediting implementation of the …

  • 28 April

    Jordan stresses imperative of Riyadh Agreement in Yemen

    The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan stressed on Monday the imperative of the Riyadh Agreement which resolves the differences between the Yemeni government and the separatist Southern Transitional Council. The Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Jordan supports the statement of the Arab Coalition which called for revoking the south Yemen …

  • 27 April

    FM says govt met all its obligations under separatists sabotaged agreement

    Yemen’s Foreign Minister said the government had met all its obligations under the power sharing Agreement of Riyadh which the southern separatist militias sabotaged a couple of days ago. Mohammed al-Hadhrami told the British The British Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa James Cleverly in a …

  • 27 April

    Yemen Govt calls on UN, Arab League to condemn STC coup

    flag of Yemen

    ADEN-SABA Yemen’s Government on Sunday called on “the United Nations, the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to condemn the coup d’état” in Aden. The separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) abandoned a November settlement deal with the government and suddenly declared “self-governance” in Aden. In a statement …

  • 27 April

    EU rejects the pronouncement of the so-called STC

    BRUSSELS – SABA The European Union (EU) stated that it is against the announcement of the so-called South Transitional Council (STC) and its decision to assume the self-ruling of the cities of the south above all the interim capital Aden. The spokesperson of the EU External Service in Brussels described …

  • 27 April

    GCC: situations in Aden must be reinstated

    RIYADH-SABA The Secretary General of the GCC Dr. Nayef Al-Hajrat stated that it is very important to respond to the statement of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition in support of legitimacy in Yemen that the situations in Aden. Dr. al-Hajrat added that any step in violation of Riyadh Agreement must be …

  • 27 April

    Arab Parliament emphasizes on honoring Riyadh Agreement

    CAIRO-SABA Speaker of Arab Parliament Dr. Masha’l Assalami stressed that it is very necessary to observe the implementation of Riyadh Agreement’s articles which signed by the Yemeni Government and the South Transitional Council (STC) on November 2019. He stated that any political stances or practical moves inconsistent with the agreement …

  • 27 April

    Arab League: respecting Riyadh Agreement imperative

    CAIRO-SABA Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abu al-Ghait stressed that Riyadh Agreement should be observed and the situations need to be normalized in the wake of the recent move by the so-called South Transitional Council (STC). An authoritative official in the General Secretariat of the AL quoted Abu al-Ghait …

  • 27 April

    NAYPF denounces escalatory measures of the STC

    ADEN – SABA The National Alliance of the Yemeni Political Forces (NAYPF) strongly condemned and denounced all escalatory measures by the so-called South Transitional Council (STC), viewing that as flagrant rebellion against the State, violation of the constitution and Laws, infringement upon the mandates of the President of the Republic,deliberately …

  • 27 April

    Shura Council condemns separatists’ declaration of self-rule

    flag of Yemen

    ADEN-SABA The upper house of the Yemeni parliament condemned on Monday the declaration of “self-rule” by southern separatists a couple of days ago in the government’s interim seat of Aden. In a statement, Majlis Al-Shura said the Southern Transitinal Council’s declaration of self-rule and emergency state in Aden is “a …