المحفوظات الشهرية:

October, 2019

  • 9 October

    Al-Hadrami confers with Norwegian Ambassador over peace Yemen

    RIYADH-SABA Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadramidiscussed Wednesday with the Ambassador of Norway to Yemen OyvindStokke. The discussions focused on bilateral ties between the two friendly countries. They also elaborately conferred over the last developments about the UN-led peace process. Al-Hadrami detailed Stokke on the Yemeni government’s efforts to establish peace that …

  • 9 October

    Al-Hadrami, Director of ALIPH discus situation of historical sites in Yemen

    Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadrami met on Wednesday with Executive Director of International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) Valery Freland. The protection of historical landmarks and cultural heritage in our county was a key focus of Al-Hadrami’s conversation with Freland. Al-Hadrami briefed Freland on the variety …

  • 9 October

    Yemeni-Algerian bilateral ties discussed

    ALGIERS-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Algeria Ali al-Yazidi met Wednesday with Chairman of the Committee on Foreing Relation and International Cooperation in the Algerian General Assembly Rasheed Ashoor. Yemeni-Algerian bilateral relations and cooperation were discussed. They also touched upon the developments in Yemen and the UN’s good offices to make peace.