المحفوظات الشهرية:

June, 2019

  • 30 June

    President Hadi congratulates Somalis President on his country’s independence day

    President of the Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadisent a cable of congratulation to his Somalis counterpart Mohammed Fermago on his country’s national day independence. In the cable President Hadi expressed his own and the Yemeni government’s and peoples’ best wishes to the Somalis President and peoples on this occasion.

  • 30 June

    Yemen, UK discuss reactivating Redeployment Committee’s role

    Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad al-Hadhrami discussed Sunday with UK Charge d’Affairs to Yemen Fuenna Walker peace efforts. Praising support of the United Kingdom to Yemen, al-Hadhrami confirmed significance of activating the role of the Redeployment Committee and significance of monitoring mechanism and real withdrawal of Houthis from Hodeida’s …

  • 30 June

    Ambassador Nasher reviews Yemen’s situations in Havana

    Yemen’s Ambassador to Cuba Mohammad Nasher discussed Sunday with Raphael Milo, the Director of Relations with Africa and the Middle East at Dominican Foreign Ministry relations between the two countries. Nasher reviewed situation developments in Yemen and efforts of the government in realizing peace and ending Iran- backed Houthi, clarifying …

  • 30 June

    VP briefed on diplomatic missions’ action

    Vice President (Lt Gen) Ali Mohsen Saleh discussed Sunday with Under-Secretary of Foreign Ministry for financial and administrative affairs Aousan al-Aoud the diplomatic missions’ activities and problematic issues. The Vice President advised further efforts by the diplomatic missions abroad to defend Yemen’s cause against Iran-aligned Houthi militia’s coup. The Vice …

  • 29 June

    Three civilians killed by Houthi militia landmine in Aljawf

    Three civilians were killed on Saturday in a landmine explosion in Aljawf governorate. The landmine was planted by Iran-aligned Houthi militia men in al-Maslob district of Aljawf. A local source told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) a landmine explosion hit a motorcycle resulted in killing Thabit Mohsen Rakan (50) MabkhoutAidhah …

  • 28 June

    Yemen seeks making use of Hungary’s demining expertise

    Deputy Minister of Interior General Lieutenant Mohammad al-Amir discussed Friday with Director of International Relations at Defense Ministry of Hungary Peter Gila making use of Hungarian expertise in security field, demining and anti-handling devices and grenades. Hungary has great experience it has gained when it participated in combating terrorism within …

  • 28 June

    Yemen condemns storming Bahrain’s embassy in Baghdad

    The Republic of Yemen has strongly condemned storming Bahrain’s embassy in Baghdad Thursday evening and sabotaging it. Yemen’s Foreign Ministry confirmed in a release support to Bahrain for facing any threat could harm security and safety of its diplomatic missions abroad. The Ministry stressed significance that the hosting state should …