المحفوظات اليومية:

January, 2019

  • 4 January

    WFP: Houthi militia transfers 600 tons monthly to not deserving people

    GENEVA-SABA The World Food Program has accused Houthi rebel militia of transferring relief materials to not deserving Yemeni people. “The monetary process of the Program revealed seven distribution centers managed by local organization helping the program has links with Houthis have transferred about 1200 metric tons, 600 tons, of food …

  • 4 January

    President Hadi: We always work for the sake of peace

    ADEN-SABA President Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi has said that they always work for peace and seize every available opportunity for realizing peace admired by Yemeni people and within “our historical responsibilities towards Yemeni people for alleviating their suffering and in response to international community efforts for peace.” “We have participated in …