المحفوظات اليومية:

December, 2018

  • 16 December

    Deputy FM receives credentials of Irish Ambassador to Yemen

    RIYADH-SABA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad al-Hadhrami received on Sunday a copy of credentials of Irish new Ambassador to Yemen Gerard Mackway. Al-Hadhrami welcomed Irish ambassador, confirming that he will get all support and care of the government of Yemen represented by the ministry of foreign affairs for easing …

  • 16 December

    Dep. FM, Russian Ambassador discuss bilateral ties

    RIAYDH-SABA Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hudrami met Sunday with Russian Ambassador to Yemen Vladimir Dedoshken. Yemeni-Russian bilateral relations and cooperation was a central focus of Al-Hudrami’s conversations with Dedoshken. Discussions also touched upon outcomes of peace consultations in Sweden. Al-Hudrami stated that it is important to put the agreements the …