ADEN – SABA His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLCI came back to the temporary capital Aden, coming from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in which he held a series of meetings and consultations with the key regional and international players. The talks and …
August, 2024
13 August
Saudi Cabinet approves Memorandum of Cooperation with Yemen on fighting terrorism
JEDDAH – SABA The Saudi Cabinet has approved a memorandum of cooperation in the field of predicate crimes, terrorism and its financing, and money laundering between the Public Prosecution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Public Prosecution in the Republic of Yemen. The Saudi New Agency (WAS) reported …
9 August
More than 5,000 displaced families harmed due to Hodeidah and Hajjah’s torrential rains, says report
ADEN – SABA As many as 5583 displaced families in Hodeidah and Hajjah governorates were affected by the torrential rains that hit the two governorates during the period from August 6 to 8 due to the weather depression. The Executive Unit for the Management of IDPs Camps has unveiled in …
8 August
Gov’t appeals to regional, international partners to support its efforts to manage damages of atmosphere depression in Hoeida, Hajjah
ADEN-SABA The Yemeni government has called on all regional and international partners, including countries, financial institutions, international and humanitarian organizations, to support the government’s efforts to cope with the huge damage caused by the atmosphere depression that is currently hitting the governorates of Hodeidah and Hajjah, resulted in heavy rains …
6 August
Gov’t approves the satellite Internet service “Starlink”
ADEN – SABA The government has decided to launch the satellite Interment Service “Starlink” in Yemen. It made the decision in a meeting held today, Tuesday, presided over by the Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubakark, in the interim capital Aden. The government decision intended to launch the satellite Interment …
1 August
International Security Council Sanctions Panel removes names of the former President Ali Saleh and his son Ahmed
NEW YOR – SABA The International Security Council Sanctions Panel removed the name of the former President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh and his son Ahmed Ali from the list of international sanctions. A statement published on the UN Website said the Sanctions Panel of the International Security Council which …
July, 2024
30 July
Council of Ministers approves restoring Aden Refineries’ action as Free Zone
ADEN-SABA The Council of Ministers has decided to restore Aden Refineries’ business as a Free Area. It made the decision in its session held today, Tuesday, in the interim capital Aden presided over by the Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak. The Cabinet has agreed to authorize Aden Refineries Company …
29 July
President al-Alimi holds meeting with Hadhramout Local Authority
MUKALLA-SABA Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, along with Council members Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi and Sheikh Othman Mujalli, held Monday a meeting with Hadhramout Local Authority led Governor Mabkhout bin Madhi and the executive office members in the governorate. The meeting discussed the service, living, and development …
29 July
PM meets EU ambassadors to Yemen
ADEN – SABA Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak today held a virtual meeting with the EU ambassadors to Yemen over developments in Yemen and the region. Discussions centered on the government’s efforts to deal with economic and humanitarian challenges, referring to the government’s five track-program to achieve sustainable peace, …
28 July
PM convenes a meeting of the headships of Defense Ministry, General Staff
ADEN – SABA Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak convened today, Sunday, in the temporary capital Aden a meeting of the leaderships of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff and a number of heads and directors of the Ministry’s departments to discuss the needed financial and logistical requirements to …