
November, 2018

  • 6 November

    FM, New Zealand Ambassador discuss humanitarian aid priorities in Yemen

    RIYADH-SABAForeign Minister Khalid Alyemany discussed with the non-resident Ambassador of New Zealand to Yemen James Munrothepriorities of humanitarian aid work in Yemen. Alyemanystressed the importance of foreign aid from friendly countries in enhancing the productive capacities of the local communities through income generating projects,which in turn will significantly alleviate the …

  • 6 November

    Cooperation between Yemen, OCHA discussed

    RIYADH-SABAMinister of Foreign Affairs Khaled al-Yemany discussed with the Regional Director of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen (OCHA) George Khoury on Tuesday cooperation between the government of Yemen and the organization. Al-yemany confirmed that the government of Yemen will exert its outmost efforts for …

  • 6 November

    FM receives copy of Belgian Ambassador’s credentials

    RIYADH-SABAForeign Minister Khalid Alyemany received today a copy of the credentials of the new Belgian Ambassador to Yemen DominicMenor. Alyemanywelcomed the Belgian Ambassador wishing her success in her mission, stressing that she will receive all the support she needs from the Yemeni Foreign Ministry to make her mission a success. …

  • 6 November

    Facilitations to Yemeni travellers to Egypt discussed

    CAIRO-SABAYemen’s Ambassador to Egypt Dr. Mohammad Marem discussed on Tuesday with General Director of Egyptian Foreign Ministry’s Office in Cairo Airport Ahmad Shata’a facilitations to Yemeni travellers who carry diplomatic and private passports to Egypt. Marem expressed government of Yemen’s appreciation to Egyptian government’s support to legality under President Hadi. …

  • 5 November

    Yemen, South Africa explore more cooperation agreements between the two countries

    PRETORIA-SABAYemeni-South African official talks session held Monday in Pretoria co-chaired by under-secretary of Foreign Ministry Awsan Al-Aoud and Deputy Minister of Cooperation and International Relation in South Africa Ms Makagbo Mhaule.Discussions addressed a range of topics pertaining to bilateral ties between the two countries including protocol of cooperation between the …

  • 4 November

    Bin-Sifa’ discusses with UN HABITAT Director’s help in Yemen’s reconstruction

    KUWAIT-SABAYemen’s Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Ali bin-Sifa’ discussed on Sunday with Director of the UN Human Settlement Program Dr. Amira al-Hasan humanitarian situations in Yemen.He hoped for UN contribution in settlement process and subsistence as well as providing differing forms of humanitarian and relief support to displaced people and affected …

  • 4 November

    Government interested in permanent peace, says senior official

    DURBAN-SABAUnder-Secretary of Foreign Minister Ausan Al-Aoud stated that Yemeni government is very keen to establish sustainable peace and alleviate the population’s suffering in collaboration with international organizations and donor countries by mobilizing resources and providing humanitarian assistance and improving basic services. His statement came as he gave Yemen’s word at …

  • 2 November

    Al-Awd confirms government’s keenness on realizing peace

    DURBAN-SABADeputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Financial and Administrative Affairs Awsan al-Awd met Friday with a number of ministers and heads of delegations participating in the 18th Meeting of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). On the sidelines of the meeting, al-Awd discussed with them latest political and humanitarian situations …

  • 1 November

    President Hadi phones his Vice, Prime Minister

    WASHINGTON-SABAPresident Abd-Rabbo Mansour Hadi made a telephone call on Thursday to his Vice General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, asking him about results of his visit to Kingdom of Bahrain and his recent meetings on the sidelines of the Forth Forum of Manama Dialogue 2018 on regional security held on October 26,27. …

  • 1 November

    Government welcomes underway efforts to establish peace, supports the UN envoy’s good offices

    ADEN-SABAYemeni Government has welcomed all underway efforts to make peace. In a press release the government said” Statements issued by some countries over recent few days which urge pushing efforts to reach political solution in accordance with the three terms of reference agreed on, are in conformity to the desire …