Breaking News

Bin Mubarak, US Chargé d’Affairs discuss Yemen latest developments

RIYADH-SABA Yemen’s Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak, discussed with the Chargé d’Affaires for the U.S. Embassy to Yemen Cathy Westley the latest developments in Yemen including the political process. Bin Mubarak denounced the Houthi militia’s continued intransigence and rejection of the initiative being offered to achieve a comprehensive …

اقرأ المزيد

Bin Mubarak discusses with German diplomat latest developments in Yemen

RIYADH-SABA Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ahmad Awadh Bin Mubarak discussed Thursday with Charge D’Affairs of German Embassy in Yemen Yann Krawser latest developments in Yemen and efforts of realizing peace in the country. Bin Mubarak held Houthi militia and the Iranian Regime responsibility of hindering peace efforts in …

اقرأ المزيد

Ambassador Yaseen discusses Yemen’s latest developments in UK foreign ministry

LONDON – SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to the UK Yaseen Sa’eed Noman discussed Thursday with Arab Affairs Officer at UK Foreign Office Abda Sharif latest developments in Yemen and results of international peace efforts and Houthi militia’s stubbornness and rejection of peace initiative for ending the war. Ambassador Yaseen praised the …

اقرأ المزيد

Al-Wahishi discusses with Russian official latest developments in Yemen

MOSCOW-SABA Yemen’s Ambassador to Moscow Ahmad al-Wahishi discussed Tuesday with Director of International Organizations Management at Russian Foreign Ministry Peter Victorvich latest developments in Yemen, including military advance by the national army and popular resistance in Marib and Baidha’a. Al-Wahishi pointed out to the government’s position towards Redeployment Coordination Committee, …

اقرأ المزيد

Yemen gov’t welcomes Saudi statement regarding Riyadh Agreement implementation

flag of Yemen

ADEN-SABA The Yemeni government has welcomed Saudi Arabia’s statement released on Thursday which called for expediting the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in Yemen and criticised the Southern Transitional Council’s breach of it including by declaring sovereign appointments of ambassadors. The Yemeni government said in a statement, “While welcoming the …

اقرأ المزيد