President al-Alimi calls for an inclusive national alignment to deal with national, regional developments

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) called on all political forces and constituencies to evoke the powerful spirit of the 14th of October glorious revolution, bolstering their national alignment to cope with the national and regional changes and challenges, go on the ongoing efforts to restore the state’s institutions, eliminate the coup and turn the crises into opportunities.

In his speech to the Yemeni people on the 61st Anniversary of the 14 October Revolution, the President said” The values of the October and September revolutions and the current national obligations require us to work together in an integrated manner to achieve our fundamental goals and navigate Yemen through this critical stage that is getting further complicated amid the successive developments the region has seen”.

In his speech delivered by Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Wa’ed Badhib, His Excellency added” Amid the extremely intertwined challenges, we have a historical responsibility necessitates uniting the republican ranks and stand firmly against the new colonial schemes through which the Iranian regime seeks to confiscate our people’s will, tear its identity and its social fabric”.

The Chairman of the PLC asserted that the spirit of September and October revolutions have continued to be aspirational and generative with every dawn.

He said” Our great people! You must have faith that future is yours, and Yemen will manage to get rid of all obstacles, if our hearts and efforts are unified and we’re going to do so confidently and sincerely”.

In this context, His Excellency restated that the government is going to continue to deliver on its obligations, first and foremost to pay salaries, secure the fuels bill, commodities imports and basic services, mainly in the areas of electricity, water, education and health care.

He said” We’re working in line with quiet strategy, thanks for your patience and the support of brothers and friends, to turn the consecutive crises into opportunities.. turn the crisis of oil exports to a chance to improve revenues, turn the disappointment of the retreat about the Central Bank’s decisions to a better international reputation and vigorous diplomatic and developmental engagement you will see its outcomes in the temporary capital Aden and the government-held governorates”.

His Excellency confirmed that this strategy has already produced good success in terms of establishing alliances, consolidate the trust of the international community in the legitimate government and discredited the militias’ misleading narratives. However, he emphasized that it is very necessary to get ready to deal with any potential endeavor to run away toward an absurd escalation.

The President noted that the national and external challenges the Yemeni state has been facing will never be ended as long as these rebellious militias are in existence, rather these challenges may take a more perilous turn with the divergence of the confrontation circle and the exacerbation of the humanitarian crisis in the country.

In this regard, he recalled the stupidities of the terrorist Houthi militias by calling in the Israeli enemy to strike the country’s economic infrastructure and capacities, totally forgetting that their attacks in the Red Sea and surrounding water doesn’t change any in the equation, nor preventing destructing Gaza, nor make any genuine difference on the battlefield, rather the militias’ attacks further worsen the ordeal, badly affect the interests of the region’s peoples.

He said” For this reason, we have long warned that we’re going to deal with these militias and their backers as an existential challenge to the Yemeni people, its identity and its relations with the regional and international community”.

President al-Alimi stated that the grave Iranian role will never drive Yemen, the government and the people, to overlook Israel’s extremist behavior all over the region, we will always condemn Israel’s recurrent attacks on Yemen, its people capacities and national sovereignty.

At the Arab level, His Excellency reiterated the Yemeni steadfast stance in support of the Palestinian people’s right to establish its full independence and sovereign statehood in accordance with the international resolutions and Arab Initiative for peace.
He also confirmed the Republic of Yemen stance in support of the Lebanese state, its sovereignty and its exclusive right to possess the weapons and the war and peace decision.

The Chairman of the PLC stressed that it is very necessary to stop the Israeli aggression and its brutal violation, as this is the key for the desirable peace and an entrance to lift the cover on Iran’s pretexts and its proxies to worsen the situations and its desperate endeavors to confiscate the national wills of the region’s peoples.