President al-Alimi confers with Russian Foreign Minister over bilateral relations

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) along with the PLC’s Member Othman Mujalli met, in New York, with the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly sessions.

Yemeni-Russian bilateral relations and cooperation was key focus of the talks.

The discussions also touched upon the latest developments about the Yemeni situation and the mediation good offices by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman to de-escalate the conflict and launch an inclusive political process guided by the UN.

The Chairman of the PLC highly celebrated the robust bilateral relations between the Republic of Yemen and the Republic of Russian Federation, greatly valued the Russian steadfast stance in support of the internationally recognized Yemeni government and its national institutions at the UN Security Council and all international stages.

The Russian Foreign Minister stated that Moscow is keen to support the efforts and initiatives aiming to stop the war in Yemen, re-establish peace, stability and development in the country.

Lavrov also applauded the outcomes of the recent communications between the two countries to revive the joint ministerial committee, further boost diplomatic relations to serve the mutual interests of the countries.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Shaya al-Zindani, Yemen Permanent Representative to the UN Abdullah al-Sa’di and Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to Washington Mohammed al-Hadrami were in attendance.