PM: Continuous international consensus on Yemen is key factor for peace


Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik has confirmed that the continuous international consensus on Yemen’s crisis as this consensus has been renewed recently by the new Security Council Resolution 2624, which designated Houthi militia as terrorist militia, is a key factor to realize peace and ending suffering of Yemeni people.

In his meeting with the Special Envoy of Norway for Yemen Christy Trumesdal and the accompanying delegation on Thursday, Prime Minister pointed out that the recent resolution issued under the Seventh Article targets Houthi militia and reasons behind continuous war led by trafficking weapons to the terrorist militia.

The meeting touched upon latest developments in Yemen and current UN preparations for holding a humanitarian conference to support Yemen this March and coordination with Yemen’s partners in addition to contribution of supporting the government and the national economy.

The meeting pointed out to Norway’s support for commencing implementation of woman’s security and safety and its contribution for helping the government and its partners for removing Houthi militia’s landmines, as well as efforts of draining Safir Oil Tanker from crude oil, which is posing unprecedented international environmental disaster.

Prime Minister reviewed challenges facing Yemen in different domains and hopes from donors and Yemen’s partners to support national economy and support government’s efforts to implement public reforms for combating corruption.

For her part, the Norwegian official talked about her country’s projects in Yemen and keenness on mobilizing international support to cover Humanitarian Response Plan in Yemen, showing understanding to government’s call to transfer into developmental projects.