President Hadi receives GCC Secretary General

President Abd-Rabu Mansour Hadi received Wednesday Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council Nayef al-Hajraf, who conveyed to him best wishes of Gulf countries leaders and their support to the internationally-recognized government and support to Yemen’s unity and stability.

The two parties discussed continuous efforts of the GCC countries led by Saudi Arabia to support the government of President Abd-Rabu Hadi in accordance with the three agreed upon references; the GCC Initiative, the Outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and Security Council’s Resolution 2216.

The two parties also discussed efforts of finalizing implementation of Riyadh Agreement and commitment of the agreement’s parties to honor their pledges regarding implementation of the agreement for unifying national front in the battle against Houthi militia and eradicating its coupist agenda.

The meeting tackled also latest developments in Yemen and international and UN efforts to realize peace and tighten security and stability in Yemen.

Economic support by the GCC countries to government of Yemen, especially in economic field for contribution improving exchange prices of local currency against foreign currencies and improving basic services to alleviate suffering of Yemeni people over Houthi militia’s triggered war on Yemen was also discussed.

President Hadi praised positions of GCC countries in their support to Yemen in different fields under current difficult conditions over Houthi militia’s coup, pointing out to Houthi militia’s hinderance of all chances for peace and its continuous military escalation against civilians in liberated provinces.

President expressed hope that brothers in GCC countries will provide quick economic support to government of Yemen to help reduce goods prices, reaffirming efforts of brothers for finalizing implementation of Riyadh Agreement.

For his part, al-Hajraf reconfirmed providing continuous support to Yemeni government and people in different fields, especially vital ones.

He also confirmed significance of integration of all parties’ efforts to finalize implementation of Riyadh Agreement.