Assa’di: Houthi militia’s shelling re-displaced 2400 IDP families in Marib

The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the UN Ambassador Abdullah Assa’di said” The putschist Houthi militia had continued to shell the camps of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) with ballistic missiles, drones and heavy weapons, the militiamen recently shelled three IDPs camps north of Marib city with over 37 artillery rounds and rockets, caused dozens of casualties most of them women, children”.

In the statement of the Republic of Yemen to the International Security Council today Assa’di added” Those attacks resulted in re-displacing more than 2400 of IDP families since February 6 this year, despite this Council’s call for ceasing this brutal offensive which threatens the peace process and undermines the overall political process, risking the lives of millions of civilians, re-displacing many more”.