President Hadi receives US envoy to Yemen

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi received Sunday the US Envoy to Yemen Timothy Linder King and US Ambassador to Yemen Kristopher Hansel on latest developments in Yemen and peace horizons.

In the meeting, attended by Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh and Prime Minister Ma’een Abdulmalik, the two parties discussed Saudi initiative, which was welcomed by Yemen and international community for meeting Yemeni people’s aspiration for peace and stability.

President Hadi confirmed support to US envoy and facilitating his efforts for realizing peace “which we seek and made for it sacrifices and concessions to avoid bloodshed and to realize security and stability to our Yemeni people.”

” Unfortunately, Houthi militia, with support from Iran, has not committed to peace efforts in different stations, the recent one was Stockholm agreement,” said president, adding furthermore, the militia persists its threats to target innocent people and shelled Marib with Iranian rockets, killing displaced people in their camps and targeted civil targets in Saudi Arabia.

Noting that Yemeni people will never accept Iranian experiment in Yemen, he confirmed deep-rooted relations between Yemen and the US in different fields including fighting terrorism, protecting waterways and international maritime navigations and facing Iranian interferences in the region.

He praised US support to Yemen, its unity, security and stability.

For their part, Vice President and Prime Minister confirmed significance of peace and the role of the United States in this domain, as well as US economic support, which has been reflected positively on peace tracks and development.

The US envoy praised efforts of President and his internationally-recognized government towards peace Yemeni people seek for, reconfirming his country’s support to the government of Yemen.

We are happy to put you in the picture of efforts, which are being exerted for realizing peace on the bases of Saudi initiative in cooperation with all our partners and UN envoy for protecting Yemen’s unity, security and stability, he said, hoping that this initiative will be successful for stopping the war.

He confirmed boosting strategic relations with Yemen in fighting all challenges; fighting terrorism, protecting waterways, interferences in the region.