FM praises the ICIR’s humanitarian actions in Yemen

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Ahmed Awadh bin Mubark met on Sunday here in the temporary capital Aden with the Director of Operations of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in Yemen Dominic Stlhart.

Bin Mubark extended the condolences on the death of three persons of the ICRC’s staff in the terrorist attack targeted Aden airport, wishing soon recovery of the injured ones.

The conversations dealt with the ICRC’s activities and projects in Yemen, the file of prisoners and the support for health sector in Aden.

The discussions also touched upon joint coordination between the government and the ICRC.

The Foreign Minister highly praised the ICRC’s humanitarian actions in Yemen, deeply appreciating the significant efforts made by its staff to help the Yemeni people at this critical stage.