Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Yemany met Friday with Foreign Minister of Sweden Margot Wallstrom on the sidelines of the UN-led round of peace consultations.

Al-Yemany voiced the Yemeni government’s gratitude for the government of Sweden for the substantial humanitarian support it provides Yemeni with and for hosting the ongoing round of peace consultations aiming to reach sustainable peace in Yemen.
For her part the Swedish Minister applauded the Yemeni government’s constructive position toward peace efforts to reach peaceful and sustainable solution to the Yemeni crisis.
Wallstrom congratulated Al- Yemany on inking an agreement to release detainees, describing that as remarkable progress in trust-building measures, alleviating suffering of the detainees and their families.
The Swedish Foreign Minister stated that Sweden is interested in doing every effort that can push forward to serve the Yemeni government’s and peoples.