President al-Alimi receives American Envoy to Yemen


His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) along with the member of the PLC Othman Mujalli received the United States’ Special Envoy to Yemen Timothy Lenderking.

They discussed the latest developments about the Yemeni situations amid the continuing terrorist escalation and the grave violations of human rights by the Houthi militias.

The good offices by the brothers and friends to launch an inclusive political process guided by the UN were also touched upon.

Mr. Lenderking briefed President al-Alimi on the outcomes of his recent communications to de-escalate tension in Yemen and the region and the proposed options to get the Houthi militias earnestly engage in the regional and international efforts to bring the Yemeni people’s suffering to its end.

The conversations also touched upon the coordinated efforts with the international community to release the UN’s staff and the community leaders who have been abducted by the Iranian regime-allied terrorist Houthi militias.