President al-Alimi greatly values Kuwait’s active contribution to development in Yemen

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) met today, Monday, along with the PLC’s members Aidarous al-Zubaidi and Othman Mujalli with the Crown Price of the state of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Sobah Khalid al-Hamad al-Sobah, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly Sessions.

The conversations covered a range of topical issues including bilateral relations between the two countries, the latest developments in the Yemeni national arena, the need regional and international support to sustain the economic reforms and to improve basic services in light of the disastrous repercussions of the terrorist attacks by Houthi militias on the oil facilities and international shipping lanes.

President al-Alimi and the PLC’s members highly praised the supportive stances of the state of Kuwait, deeply appreciating its significant humanitarian and developmental interventions and its sincere support for the Yemeni peoples’ aspirations and its political leadership in different stages and circumstances.

The Chairman of the PLC praised the significant efforts of the Kuwaiti financing institutions and Kuwaiti charitable organizations that have been very helpful to reinstate basic services and mitigate the humanitarian suffering created by the terrorist Houthi militias.

The Kuwaiti Crown Prince confirmed the Kuwaiti steadfast position by the side of the Yemeni people, its political leadership and every endeavor aimed to establish security and stability in the country.