Houthi Militia targets Marib’s Safir oil facility by three drones

The Yemeni Armed Forces announced that the Houthi terrorist militias, supported by the Iranian regime, targeted the Safir oil facility in Marib Governorate today, Friday, with three suicide drones loaded with highly explosive materials in a cowardly terrorist attempt to destroy this vital civilian facility.

“Today, Friday, August 23, 2024, at exactly 3:26 am, the Houthi terrorist group, supported by the Iranian regime, targeted the Safir oil facility in Marib Governorate with three winged suicide drones loaded with highly explosive materials in a cowardly terrorist attempt to destroy this vital civilian facility,” said the Yemeni Armed forces in a statement.

“Those hostile drones were shot down before achieving their criminal goals.”
Information from the competent authorities in our armed forces indicates that these hostile drones were launched from a point located between the Dahidhah and Qarn al-Sairi regions, east of the city of Al-Hazm in Jawf Governorate, which is under the control of the enemy, according to the Armed Forces’ statement.

“The Armed Forces confirm their readiness to respond to such acts that target the interests of the Yemeni people and their sovereign economic facilities.”