The terrorist attack in Abyan won’t undermine Yemenis’ resolve to keep fighting criminal organizations—Gov’t stressed.

The Yemeni Government confirmed that the cowardly terrorist attack on the military site of the Third Brigade in the Mudiyah District of Abyan governorate that claimed the lives of a number of soldiers martyrs and wounded several others will never undermine the determination of Yemenis to go on fighting their national battle to complete the restore the state’s institutions and defeat the criminal and terrorist organizations, namely al-Qaeda and ISIS, which are cooperating with the Iran-backed Terrorist Houthi militias.

A statement issued by the government explained that this treacherous terrorist act indicates once again the clear cooperation between the Houthi militia and terrorist organizations to destabilize security and stability in the government-held governorates.

The government underscored the importance of keeping high vigilance, raising security readiness, strengthening efforts to confront the forces of terrorism and darkness, and integrating the work of security and intelligence agencies with the social and popular rejection of terrorist movements in a way that serves the path of drying up the sources of terrorism and eliminating its misguided elements.

The statement also stressed that this terrorist attack is a reminder of the importance of redoubling efforts to combat terrorist organizations in cooperation with Yemen’s partners in combating terrorism and never to be lenient in confronting these acts, given that terrorism isa global phenomenon that requires coordinated and joint to and eliminate it.

The government called on the international community to condemn these criminal acts as their danger goes far beyond Yemen to spread to the region and the world.

The government expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs who fell in this criminal and vicious operation. It directed authorities in charge to provide their families with the necessary support and the wounded servicemen with the needed medication.