President al-Alim returns to the transitional capital Aden


His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLCI came back to the temporary capital Aden, coming from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in which he held a series of meetings and consultations with the key regional and international players.

The talks and consultations dealt with the developments in the Yemeni national arena, the developments in the region and the required assistance to support the government and the state’s institutions to help the government to deliver on its obligations about basic services and alleviate the economic hardships that have been further worsen by the terrorist attacks of Iran-allied Houthi militias on oil facilities and international shipping lanes.

It happened that the Chairman of the PLC along with the Council’s members Dr. Abdullah al-Alimi and Othman Mujalli paid several day inspection visit to the governorate of Hadramout to get familiar with situations in the governorate.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) upon his arrival at the temporary capital Aden, President al-Alimi underscored the importance of unifying all ranks and working with the team spirit, particularly at these exceptional circumstances the Yemeni people have been experiencing, on top of all the economic and financial problem amid the desperate attempts by the terrorist organizations and militias to destabilize the government-held governorates.

The Chairman of the PCL reiterated great gratitude to the brothers in the Coalition to support the legitimate government led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their supportive stances in support of the Yemeni legitimate government and people in their struggle for restoring the state’s institutions, establishing peace, stability and development.