Gov’t approves the satellite Internet service “Starlink”

The government has decided to launch the satellite Interment Service “Starlink” in Yemen. It made the decision in a meeting held today, Tuesday, presided over by the Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed bin Mubakark, in the interim capital Aden.

The government decision intended to launch the satellite Interment Service “Starlink” in order to provide the satellite service at accessible and competitive prices and high speed for all people.

The meeting included Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Acting- Minister of Communications and Information Technology Dr. Wa’ed Badhib and Minister of Finance Salem bin Breik.

It is important to mention that a wide-range process will soon be launched for all Starlink services through the points of sale of the General Corporation of the Wire and Wireless Telecommunications distributed and spread in most governorates.

All services will be provided, including selling and activating devices, paying subscription fees at reasonable prices, and providing other services, including direct technical support.