Bahrain condemns detaining Yemeni employees working for UN, US by Houthi militia

The Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s condemnation of the continued detention of a number of Yemeni employees working for the United Nations, the US Embassy, and other international organizations and diplomatic missions by the Houthi terrorist militias.

The ministry, in a statement published by the Bahrain News Agency (BNA), stated that this constitutes a violation of the rules of international law and diplomatic norms.

It called for a response to the demands of the United Nations organizations and friendly countries to release all the detained employees.

The ministry reiterated the firm and supportive position of the Kingdom of Bahrain for the regional and international efforts to reach a comprehensive and sustainable political solution to the Yemeni crisis, in accordance with the Gulf initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the Inclusive National Dialogue Conference, and Security Council Resolution 2216.

This is to preserve the sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and independence of the Republic of Yemen, and to bring prosperity and development to its brotherly people.