Leadership council chairman, Egyptian President emphasize importance of coordination to secure maritime navigation

Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi along with Council member Othman Mujalli met the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on the sidelines of the Arab summit in Bahrain today and discussed with him the bilateral relations and the regional and international issues of common concern.

President al-Alimi renewed his appreciation and gratitude for Egypt’s position to the side of the Yemeni people by contributing to the alleviation of human suffering in Yemen.

Al-Alimi hailed the role Egypt played in defending the nation’s issues, first and foremost of which is Palestine’s issue, and the rejection of any attempts to liquidate it and displace Palestine’s people who are striving to establish a national sovereign state for themselves.

El-Sisi emphasized the strength of the historical relations between the two countries and Egypt’s commitment to Yemen’s unity and stability. He affirmed support for all endeavors meant to broker a political solution to the Yemen crisis .

He renewed Egypt’s firm stance in support of the Yemeni government, represented by the Presidential Leadership Council. Al-Alimi and El-Sisi emphasized their interest to exchange consultations on the current developments in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden regions, and to contain the repercussions of that on the stability of the region and international peace and security.

The two presidents emphasized the importance of promoting cooperation between the countries overlooking the Red Sea, being the key stakeholders in the stability of the region and maritime safety in this strategic shipping lane.