President al-Alimi receives UK Ambassador to Yemen

President of the Presidential Leadership Council Dr. Rashad al-Alimi received on Sunday the UK Ambassador to Yemen Abda Sharif.

The meeting tackled mutual relations between the two friendly countries, latest national developments, including major violations to human rights by Houthi terrorist militia, the agent to Iranian regime, and the militia’s war escalation in different fronts.

The meeting touched upon disastrous repercussions of Houthi terrorist militia’s continuous attacks on oil establishments and the needed role from the international community to alleviate humanitarian suffering over the terrorist militia’s piracy and attacks on commercial ships and international navigation lines.

President al-Alimi praised the distinguished mutual relations between the two friendly countries, commending UK additional pledges to meet needs of Yemeni people, especially in field of food and health.

He hoped more support that keeps pace with increasing humanitarian and service commitments, noting to importance of pumping all international approved funds through the Central Bank of Yemen to help the bank manage cash policy and boost national currency.

Regarding peace process, President al-Alimi renewed the council and the government’s approach towards inclusive and just peace in accordance with the locally, regionally and internationally agreed upon references and support to good initiatives of Saudi Arabia in this domain.

He welcomed all initiatives, which will help alleviating humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people created by Houthi terrorist militia supported by Iranian regime.

The meeting touched upon UK support to Yemeni Coast Guards Forces and joint efforts in the fight against terrorism and weapons smuggling, drugs, organized crime and needed punish measures to deter violations of Houthi militia to humanitarian law and relevant international resolutions.