President al-Alimi receives Ambassador of UAE in Aden

His Excellency President Dr. Rashad al-Alimi, Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council received today, Tuesday, in the interim capital Aden Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Republic of Yemen Mohammed Azua’abi.

Yemeni-Emirati bilateral relations and cooperation was key focus of the conversations.

The discussions also covered the latest developments in the Yemeni national scene and the Emirati support programs and projects in the fields of security, development, humanitarian and electricity and renewable energy including the emergency shipment of fuels of which first cargo set to arrive today in Aden seaport.

President al-Alimi praised the UAE’s role in support of the legality in Yemen within the Arab Coalition, deeply appreciating the Emirati significant humanitarian and development interventions to alleviate the Yemeni peoples’ suffering, achieve its aspirations to restore the state’s institutions, stability, development and peace.