Assa’di: The Yemeni government has chosen the peace approach to end the conflict, establish security, justice

The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the UN Ambassador Abdullah Assa’adi said ” the Yemeni government has opted to peace as an approach to bring the conflict to its end, achieve security, justice, equality and the rule of law that the Yemeni peoples are seeking for”.

Speaking at the UN International Security Council’s open session today about the situation in the Middle East (Yemen) he stated that the Yemeni government is willing to do the utmost to achieve the Yemeni peoples’ aspirations for peace, security and stability, but this can’t be attainable unless Houthi militia comes to peace and offer the genuine concessions for Yemen’s future.

He pointed out to the creation of the Presidential Leadership Council and power transfer on the 7th of April, describing the move as historic and significant step toward achieving the fair and sustainable peace through the UN-led peace process that is based on the agreed on peace terms reference including the GCC’s Initiative, its operational plan, outcomes of National Dialogue and the UNSC’s resolution 2216.

Assa’adi noted that the government has committed itself to observe and support the two-month humanitarian truce announced by the UN’s Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg which commenced on 2 April even though Houthi militias’ flagrant violations of the truce have never ceased.