Yemen FM, Chinese Ambassador discuss coordination of positions in international forums

Yemen’s Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak met with the Chinese ambassador to Yemen Kang Yong today and discussed with him the Chinese-Yemeni cooperation and prospects for developing the bilateral ties, and coordinating the positions of the two countries concerning many issues of common concern in the international forums.

The minister briefed the Chinese diplomat on the developments related to political status and the efforts to broker a peace process in Yemen.

Ben Mubarak also discussed the difficulties and challenges facing the Yemeni government for normalization of public life and the preservation of national economy and ending the suffering of the Yemeni people in light of the continued military aggressions and atrocities of the Houthi militia.

Bin Mubarak called on donors and relevant international institutions to support the government’s efforts to overcome the difficulties particularly regarding to strengthening the role of the Central Bank of Yemen and helping support the national currency and improve the purchasing power of the Yemeni people. For his part, the Chinese ambassador has emphasized his country’s firm position toward supporting Yemen, its unity, stability and territorial integrity and to all efforts to all efforts to achieve peace in Yemen.