Vice President discusses with UK diplomat latest developments in Yemen

Vice President Ali Mohsen Saleh discussed Wednesday with UK Charge d’ Affairs to Yemen Symon Smart latest developments in Yemen and Houthi militia’s practices against Yemeni people and their recent terrorist act of targeting the government by shelling Aden Airport.

The two parties discussed also process of finalizing implementation of Riyadh Agreement and government’s efforts for normalizing conditions, as well as UN efforts for realizing peace in Yemen.

Vice President confirmed that since Houthi militia rise and their seizure of the Capital Sana’a, they subjected Yemeni people to different forms threats and their crimes in Taiz, Marib and other provinces prove that they are terrorist organization wanting willingly to foil peace efforts.

He pointed out to concessions made by the legality under President Hadi for realizing peace and renewed upholding peace process on the bases of the three agreed upon references; the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and UN Resolution 2216.

For his part, the UK diplomat renewed his country’s denouncement to the attack targeted the government of Yemen at Aden International Airport, pointing out to a number of issues and topics associated with peace efforts and exerted efforts in this domain.