GCC states affirm support to Yemen’s government

The Gulf Cooperation Council has affirmed its support to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government to end the crisis and reach a political solution as per the relevant terms of reference for peace: The GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue and the UN Security Council’s resolution 2216.

In a statement, the GCC renewed its support to the UN efforts to broker a political solution, hailed the Saudi and Emirati role arranging the Yemeni government and STC’s signing of the Riyadh Agreement’s implementation mechanism.

The GCC also welcomed the return of the Yemeni government to Aden in December 30, 2020 to exercise its mission.

The GCC affirmed that the Houthi continuous terror attacks targeting Saudi civilian properties with ballistic missiles and drones is a serious threat to the regional and international security.

It affirmed the Arab Coalition’s right to implement the necessary measures to tackle these threats.
The GCC condemned the continuous Iranian smuggling of arms to the militia and hailed the US role in intercepting arms shipments.